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Give the Gift of Mental Health: 5 Present Ideas

The holidays are just around the corner, and many of us are struggling to come up with gift ideas our friends and family will love. With so many people dealing with stress and anxiety these days over the recession, layoffs and threat of nuclear war, the best gift you can give this season is the gift of mental health.

With this in mind, here are some very thoughtful, practical and creative gifts ideas for loved ones who may be struggling with stress or anxiety:

1. Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets have been shown to decrease a person’s anxiety. The weight of the blanket applies gentle pressure to the body, eliciting the same response as a hug or cuddle. These blankets are also great for helping people with sleep issues.

2. Art Supplies

Some people, adults and children alike, have a hard time expressing how they feel through language. But expression through art helps people get their feelings out.

Why not head to your local craft store and get your loved one something to help them tap into their creative side. It could be a paint set, adult coloring book, or modeling clay. Creating art has a meditative and calming effect as well.

3. Journal

Some people need to write things down in order to process them. You can find really nice journals for under $20 for that person in your life who is introspective and needs to get those thoughts, feelings and ideas onto paper.

4. Meditation & Mindfulness Subscription

Practicing mindfulness and meditation has been shown to provide mental, physical and emotional benefits. But it can be hard to get started with the practice. Help your loved one find Zen and calm with a subscription to a meditation and mindfulness app.

5. Mind Over Mind

There are many wonderful mental health books out there. One I recommend is called Mind Over Mind, which uses proven Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) exercises to shift an individual’s feelings, thoughts and behaviors.

And if you or your loved one would like to explore CBT with a licensed therapist, please reach out to me. Sometimes talking to someone can really make all the difference.


61 Mental Health Gift Ideas: Gifts for Anxiety, Stress, Self-Care, & More



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